Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Sweetest Thing ;)

Every once in a while it is important to show your appreciation for those you love, and what sweeter way to do that then with a yummy cupcake made just for them?! I enjoy baking my own, but for those of you who aren't known to be a great baker, or either do not have the time, pick one up at your favorite bakery. One of my absolute FAVORITE bakeries in the Twin Cities area is Buttercream :

A beautiful and delicious sweet little treat, is just the thing to put a smile on any ones face!! I got my BF one just yesterday, it was a red velvet and buttercream cupcake! Devine!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Be Creative

Having the family over to your home this year for the Holidays? Check out these easy and adorable holiday decoration ideas!

These window decorations are so easy! Simply string ribbon from cookie cutters and attach to window casing:
Brighten up windows or darker corners of the house with these bright balls of lights! Wrap battery opporated string lights around a medium, small, or large foam balls and hang from the ceiling or window casing at different lenghts:

Prop up some art! Blank canvas wrapped with holiday color ribbon make very sleek and pretty gift art for the fire place mantle:
Happy Holidays & Happy Decorating!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A 50s Style Christmas

Go retro this year and the deck the halls 50s style! A fun and quirky way to turn head this year! Tinsle trees, old toys, and homemade decorations! Not only is this an easy way to get ready for the season, but it is a theme that will stand out among all your neihbors!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Happy Turkey Day at Work

Spread a little holiday cheer and hand out a small gift to co-workers! I like to hand out a little surprise for each major holiday, it is a great way to pick up the mood on a Monday, and everyone will remember you in a brighter light ;)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Bulb The Halls!!

Here is a really easy and fun way to add a bit of Christmas cheer to your home:

All you need is fishing line, colorful or sparkly Christmas bulbs, and some clear thumb tacks.
Tie fishing line to Christmas Bulbs on one end and to the thumb tacks on the on the other end. Then tack up in front of windows or mirrors for a oh so simple way to add a clean and classy look to your holiday decor!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Top 3 DIY Winter Decorating Ideas

Winter is the time of year for snowflakes and icicles, fireplaces and hot cocoa, and all the wonder that a clear, cold night brings to the stars. It is time to let the winter into your home! With these easy DIY ideas you will be eager to show off your home this holiday season!

1. Let it Snow! - Snowflake framed, visit your local crafts store and choose a fabric that has large snowflakes, frame it in circle or oval frames and hang above the fire place. Or make an original head board for your bed and use square or rectangular frames!

2. Jack Frost Nipping at your Nose! - Icicles are beautiful pieces of nature and just as much of a wonderful way to add sparkle to your home! Create a hanging chanelier of icles by stringing clear/glass beads along fishing line and hang each string in a circle around the light fixture above your dinner table or in a line infront of mirrors!

3. On the Front Porch - Have any pots left over from summer plants? Fill it up with sand or dirt and stick in a bunch of pine branches. The pot will suddenly be made over to a classic and rustic winter piece for your front door!

Have fun and be creative! ~ Happy Friday to all! for your next party!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

XoXo Chandeliers

What is it about adding a little light and color to a room, and the mood is set? I am so excited to share with you all a brand new way of doing just that for under $20! Chandeliers are a wonderful way of lighting up and glamoring a room, and they have just simply been a classic favorite of all designers around the world for
years. I have listed step by step instructions for you to follow to create your very own holiday style chandelier to hang above the dinner table this year as well as be the topic of conversation.

Supplies: Fall colored leaves from any craft store or a selection of pine cones and gourds from the craft store (You can also choose snowflakes, icicles, flowers, or any natural piece from mother nature)
, Fishing line (2-3 rolls), Micro Led light branches.

Step one: After you have decided where you will hang your chandelier, you can choose how large you would like it to be. Begin by attaching the fall leaves randomly along the LED branches. One fun idea is to completely cover the branches so the lights glow through the leaves.

Step two: Once all leaves (or pine cones, icicles, etc...) are on all of your light branches, attach fishing line to each branch, I like to do many different lengths from 8"-24", they should not all be the same length.

Step Three: Attach remaining leaves to fishing line above the light branches, and then begin attaching each string to the light fixture you are building the chandelier around. One way is to add a bead to the end of the fishing line and then remove the fixture and instal the strings inside the light fixture frame.

Once this is done step back and enjoy the impressive beauty of  such an easy craft!!

**Check back for photos of my completed chandelier, and post pictures of your and I will choose a winner next week!**